Discover our Approach.
We build and operate engaging learning programs and a vibrant community to help individuals learn technology skills, connect them with experienced mentors, and empower them to change the world for the better.

Our Learning Concept.
Our concept aims at breaking down the obstacles of tech education and guiding more individuals towards creating positive impact in the world. This is why our program follows a blended-learning approach, which combines different elements for a sustainable learning success and impact:
Online Learning

Study with professionally curated material on the edyoucated platform
Step-by-step instructions and interactive challenges
Whenever and wherever you like
On-site or virtual talks, workshops, social events or co-working sessions
- Connect with peers from your cohort, industry experts or experienced mentors
- Expand your network to the tech world
Project Work
Implement your own hands-on project idea or projects from our partner companies
Work in interdisciplinary teams
Support by experienced mentors
Free education: Learning should have no boundaries - that's why our programs are free for everyone.
Designed to be doable in your free time: We all have busy lives, but learning should always have its place. That's why our program is designed to be taken in your free time.
Mentors to support you: We all struggle when learning - that's why you have an experienced mentor that you can ask for help whenever you need it.
Apply your skills in hands-on projects: Apply your new skills in team projects, and implement your own idea in practice.
Global community and exchange with peers: Meet peers from across the world, ask questions, exchange ideas, and have fun while learning together. Expand your network to the tech world and benefit from new connections.
Work on stuff that matters: Understanding tech is important, but more important is to use those skills effectively. We guide you in using your skills to do good in the world.
Choose your Track.
You can choose one of four different tracks for your participation in the program. All tracks have been carefully put together by domain experts and offer you a comprehensive introduction to the field. After successfully completing your program, you can still apply for another track.
Choose your Journey.
Locally in your city
Discover the most effective way to build tech domain knowledge with our free hybrid program! The blended-learning concept combines remote learning with in-person community events in your city.

Digital Shaper Program